Am 24.03.2023 fand der TUM Open Campus in Weihenstephan statt, dort haben wir BAYSICS und den neuen Klimarucksack vorgestellt.
Read moreBAYSICS
research - understand - act
BAYSICS brings citizens, students and scientists of all ages together to observe, analyze and evaluate the effects of climate change on plants and animals in Bavaria. Pflanzen und Tiere in Bayern zu beobachten, zu analysieren und auszuwerten.
Mit BAYSICS erforschen, verstehen und handeln.

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We have something new for you! Finally you can subscribe to our BAYSICS newsletter. Sign up and get informed about campaigns and latest findings. You will also stay up to date at all times. We'll show you what you can research, alert you to new articles that will help you better understand climate change, and motivate you to take action. All you have to do is click on the button and enter your email and you're signed up.
Anpassung des Lebensraums aufgrund des Klimawandels
Beitrag von Prof. Annette Menzel im Bayerischer Rundfunk Radiowissen zum Thema Klimawandel und Lebensraum am 03.03.2023.
Read moreBR Fernsehen: Beginn der Pollensaison immer früher
Die Pollensaison beginnt immer früher. Frau Prof. Annette Menzel im Fernsehbeitrag des Bayerischen Rundfunks am 27.02.2023.
Read moreActivities
We have thought about different campaigns in which you can participate and thus better understand and research climate change. All our activities are centered around the motto BAYSICS research understand act. Browse through our portal or our NatureExplorer and if you have an idea, let us know. Below you can already find two of our campaigns:
Look at the effects of climate change on the seasonal development of plants and explore and understand it better with the BAYSICS NatureExplorer.
green warming stripes
Take a look at us on Instagram. We regularly post news, interesting knowledge, do little quizzes and are happy to hear from you. Feel free to link us or use our hashtag: #baysics
We are always happy to meet new interested people and get in touch with you.